Our Story

In 2014, united under our mutual concern for national and international under-served communities, Our creative minds consisting of the founders and the executive board is committed to ensuring the successful distribution and proper allocation of resources to catalyze a sustainable and accountable change in these areas.
Our President/C.E.O Damilare Sherubawon is ANUNNAKI, philanthropists, consciousness thought motivational leader, Information Technology guru and the GREATEST & most profound Spiritual being in the self-development and wellness industry globally, his passion for self realization and mental development propelled his creation of OUR PLEA to create accessible structural & practical platforms for progress in the medical wellness and mental educational system through thoughtfully created development programs that promises to deliver a visible and progressive growth in these under-served communities we support.
“Love is the door, faith is the path, sharing is the key.”
OUR PLEA understands the need to continuously build a following to re-purpose unwanted or unused medical and educational waste for the developmental progress of our global under-served communities for a proper sustainable change.
Our global creative team and collaborators is committed to ensuring progressive partnerships mainly because we recognize the intrinsic value of sharing unwanted or unused resources with those who are less privileged to access these categorized unwanted/unused resources, also we understand the importance of ideas exchange from our brothers, sisters, friends and family in the global community with similar minds creating a balanced and enjoyable life experiences for all.
Developmental change is needed all around the world, not just in developing countries, thus PLEA was founded on two
basic theories. First, we are a part of ONE world, that SHARES the effects of under-development in
different areas, and second, visible and progressive change is inevitable where supportive partnerships exist.
Our Plea appreciates the love and support of our kind global community through their generous giving that allows our commitment for development and advancement in these under-served communities to facilitate actual growth in the present and the growing future of our global community.
With Love and Gratitude.